Sally Knocker, a consultant trainer at Meaningful Care Matters, the organisation that specialises in helping social care providers to access a variety of support services, reflects on tackling staff development during the pandemic.
How many of us have heard the words ‘You need to unmute!’ as we all tried to get to grips with Zoom, Microsoft Teams or other online platforms during the pandemic? Never before have all organisations had to get onboard with the virtual world in the way that we have had to in times of Covid-19.
I think it is fair to say that the social care sector was never regarded as an innovative sector that utilised technology prior to the pandemic - although there were some notable exceptions to this stereotype. Yet one very real benefit of the last year is we are seeing some great uses of technology to help people to connect with family, enjoy entertainment and to increase our own learning.
At Meaningful Care Matters (MCM), most of our training methods are highly interactive, involving lots of group work, self-reflection and a large sprinkling of fun too – using dance, music and playfulness as exemplified in The Butterfly Approach.
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