McCarthy Stone chief executive John Tonkiss offers his thoughts on why targeted government support for later living developments should form part of the social care reform agenda
Over the last 12 months we have all been exposed to the hardships of the Covid-19 pandemic, yet as we begin to look back, there can be no denying that it is the over-65s who have been the hardest hit by this crisis.
In reality, many of the most vulnerable have not been provided with the protection they need, and the statistics lay this bare, with over 90 per cent of the deaths coming from within this age group.
Thankfully, our retirement communities have seen a very low level of infection. Furthermore, with over half the UK adult population having had their first vaccine, including all of the clinically vulnerable, we are beginning to emerge from the pandemic and there is rightly a renewed sense of optimism. However, we cannot simply consign this tragedy to history.
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