Professor Martin Green OBE is chief executive of Care England. Here, in conversation with The Care Home Environment editor Tim Probert, Martin critiques the state of UK social care and suggests a better way forward
Professor Martin Green OBE is chief executive of Care England, the largest representative body for independent social care services in the UK. Here, in conversation with The Care Home Environment editor Tim Probert, Martin critiques the state of UK social care and suggests a better way forward.
TCHE: The government said recently it is unlikely to bring forward social care reform this year as previously promised by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Have they booted it into the long grass again?
Green:I don’t think it will come this year but the government is working on their reform package at the moment. They have got some really interesting people working on it, including Camilla Cavendish. The government has realised they have got to start reforming social care because it has been very clear during the pandemic that there is a clear interface between health and social care.
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