Phillip Moorcraft, UK director of communication and alert systems provider for hospitals and care homes CLB, explains how acoustic monitoring can free up stretched care workers at a time when going ‘above and beyond’ is a necessity
Despite already working at stretched capacity, recent events have forced the social care workforce to go ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty to meet the ongoing demands of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In a recent open letter to the public, Care England chief executive, Martin Green, even called on retired care professionals to return to work to keep the sector operational over the coming months.
Elsewhere, Whitehall officials are planning how to pool workers to cope with large numbers of staff being off sick or self-isolating. While the sickness rate for care workers is usually under three per cent, the government has predicted that a fifth of the population could be off work during the pandemic, meaning care sector personnel could be reduced by as many as 220,000 workers.
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