Park Grove Design director Lori Pinkerton-Rolet shares her insight into how care home providers can get ahead of the pack with interior design of new build and refurbishment properties
The world has changed. Before Covid-19, care and dementia home design had already made great strides forward but the trajectory for change must now be ramped-up to accommodate for shifts in competition, staffing and international economics.
Each of these aspects have or, to be blunt, should have a direct impact on the way interiors are designed for these important facilities. There are many ways in which these changes can be interpreted in new builds and refurbishments, but I am going to focus on three key areas: staffing ratios, aesthetics and storage.
While one might expect advances in technology to be the focus of a piece on state-of-the-art care home design, it is my opinion that these developments, and our expectations of them, change so quickly that they can only be as current as the time period of implementation.
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