Following the publication of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) State of Care report, Fay Gibbin, CEO at BB Training Academy, is encouraging care homes to make training a priority to drive quality of care in the sector and give more carers the opportunity to progress
When the CQC report, ‘The State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England 2017/18’ was published in October 2018, it came as the adult social care system in the UK approached tipping point.
The report’s findings went hand in hand with concerns being echoed across a sector in crisis. Its findings included an ‘integration lottery’, a term used to describe ineffective collaboration between services that is leading to disjointed care for local communities. It also spoke of growing concerns surrounding funding, capacity and the workforce.1
While the report did include some positive points – such as how quality of care has been maintained or even improved in some parts of the country – it looked at many areas that the government, sector leaders and service providers are tackling to build an effective adult social care system that works for the individuals who need it most One key point the report highlighted is that the workforce in adult social care is “absolutely crucial”. As with all forms of healthcare, the whole system is dependent on having skilled people who can deliver the right care to meet the needs of individuals.
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