How can you ensure that you are doing all you can to keep your residents safe, while still enabling them to enjoy their lives and the environment in which they live? Carl May-Smith, associate barrister at Browne Jacobson, identifies some key duties and responsibilities
The issue of fire safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds in 2018; the care home environment presents unique challenges and the consequences of getting it wrong can be tragic. Even where they are not, fines associated with breaches of regulations can have a major impact on providers.
Fire safety is regulated by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the order places responsibility on anyone with an involvement in fire safety in care homes such as registered managers, risk assessors and fire alarm technicians. However, the primary duties lie with the care provider as the employer and therefore the ‘responsible person’. Local fire services enforce the order, carrying out inspections either after a fire or as part of routine checks.
Fire safety under the order starts with a fire risk assessment and every care home must ensure that a detailed and up to date version is available and staff are informed of key findings. The risk assessment summarises the fire safety risks at a premises and the measures that are in place to prevent or deal with a fire. It also identifies any areas in which improvement may be required.
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