In December 2016, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a study to review how well the care home market works and whether consumers are being treated fairly. Emma Watt, solicitor, Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP, discusses the scope of the research
By its very nature, the need to find a care home can come at a distressing time, with decisions taken in challenging circumstances. Recent market pressures mean that questions are being asked about whether consumers are being provided with value for money when choosing a care home or are falling victim to emotional pressures and entering into unfair contracts.
The purpose of the CMA study1is to assess how people find the experience of choosing a care home, to explore whether the current regulation and complaints system gives residents adequate protection and to examine how well care homes are complying with their obligations under consumer law.
The CMA is looking very closely at reports of potentially unfair practices and the contract terms being used by some care homes, how they are affecting residents and whether they are likely to breach consumer law. It has already flagged issues of concern where residents may have experienced:
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