Speaker invitations have now been issued, and the programme is close to finalisation for the Care England 2017 conference and exhibition, Shaping Tomorrow, which will take place at Church House, Westminster, on Thursday 16 November.
In their presentations the speakers will take a close-up look at areas of innovation and development and share their insights into the positive benefits being delivered for residents and staff within the social care sector. This includes services for supporting people with long term conditions, whether older people or those with acquired brain injuries, learning disabilities and other mental health conditions.
Confirmed topics to date include 'Sustainable & transformed care using the NHS Mail and the IG Toolkit' which will be covered by Keith Strahan, NHS principle relationship manager, Social Care. He will be followed by William Roberts, care home lead, NHS New Care Models Programme, who will talk about the Airedale Telehealth Vanguard and its benefits for social care. Other presentations, with speakers to be confirmed, will look at ‘Devo Manc’, the Health & Social Care Integration Pilot in Manchester, and finally at the implications of leaving the EU.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Care England chief executive, says: “The challenges facing the social care sector are well documented but the need to provide quality care remains paramount. The presentations at our conference will highlight some of the ways in which the sector is embracing change and shaping the future of care”.
All providers, not just Care England members, are encouraged to attend this event, which also features an exhibition and seminars from leading sector product and service suppliers. Delegate places can be booked online and early bird discounts are available until 31 August.