How can you protect the rights of EU employees?

Care operators that employ EU nationals need to consider their corporate position in relation to Brexit and how much involvement they will have in driving the immigration/ residency agenda, says Charles Avens

Ever since the Brexit vote on 23 June 2016, immigration lawyers have been flooded with questions from private clients living in the UK as EU nationals, as well as from businesses that employ EU nationals in the UK. 

Care businesses that employ EU nationalsin the UK should consider taking urgent action to protect their future position. Many care businesses with operations in the UK employ EU citizens across the range of their activities. Since the result of the referendum was announced, many of those employees are now anxiously awaiting confirmation that their right to live and work in the UK will be preserved when Britain finally withdraws from the EU. 

The care industry is particularly affected by Brexit, with large numbers of EU citizens employed in the sector. So, if care businesses are faced with the prospect of losing a percentage of their workforce when Britain withdraws, replacing it with workers from within the UK will become a reality. 

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