As a care leader it is up to you to help your staff and residents by encouraging the open exchange of views. This may be through training, but most of all it will come through building active engagement, says Jo Geraghty, co-founder of Culture Consultancy
How much do you care? No, forget the instinctive response and indulge me by taking a few moments to think. You see, I know you work in the care sector and therefore your job is to care, but that doesn’t automatically mean that your approach, your outlook and your actions are centred around an engaged culture of care.
Perhaps the easiest way to explain is in terms of driving a car, although the same could apply to any activity. When you first learn to drive, you have to concentrate quite hard as you consciously coordinate every movement and action. After a while muscle memory takes over and your actions become automatic.
When you become very experienced your responses become so instinctive that you may well find that you don’t even remember part of the journey, and there is a good reason for that.
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